Finnish eco-school of Laukaa

Laukaa is a municipality of nearly 19 000 inhabitants in the middle of Finland, next-to Jyväskylä. Lately there was a decision to combine three schools from 3 villages of Laukaa: Vuontee, Savio and Tarvaala. The Laukaa Eco-school project wanted to study if the new school could be an eco-school. The Laukaa Eco-school would be ecological in many ways:
  • the building would be built from ecological materials
  • the school should create its own energy e.g. from sun (solar energy)
  • the school should be as small as possible in other words the usage of the premises should be versatile
  • the school should also enhance the sense of community in the 3 villages and advance the entrepreneurship in the area
  • 50 % of the school food should come from the areas nearby (from Regional State Administrative Agency of Western and Inland Finland)
  • the school lifts should be arranged with cars using ecological energy such as biogas

The motto of the school is "a school for 100 students for 100 years".

This blog is documenting the eco-school project allowing also villagers, companies and other Finnish communities planning eco-schools not only to follow but also contribute to our project. In the project we are building a common eco-school concept that can be used also in other village school projects in the future.

The decision if the eco-school will be built will be made in the autumn 2015.

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